
All posts tagged Picture

Photography with Sophie Reed!

Published August 25, 2012 by artkidava

On the 5th of August at our regular E-Art Kid meeting, Sophie Reed came in as a guest speaker to talk about photography, we learnt lots of things and I am going to post it up here to help you!

Top Tips:

  1. Subject – if you are taking a photo of one particular thing, ask yourself, Can the viewer tell what I am focusing on? Which element on the photo stands out  and is it the element I wanted?
  2. Distance – A great way to focus on something is distance. Bring the object you want to focus on as close as you can, to make it stand out. You don’t always need a focus lens to make something stand out!
  3. Background – some of the most common mistakes photographers make are to do with the background. We often tend to focus on the background – eg. how the background relates to the foreground, or colour contrast. When a viewer looks at a picture, you want them to notice the foreground first – so higlight the foreground, then work on the background effects.
  4. Point of  View– point of view changes the effect of a picture. Birds-eye and worms-eye view make a picture look totally different. For e.g. If the sun is setting and you wanted to take a picture of a rose, you would hold the rose up and let the sun’s light shine on it from underneath.  If you hold the rose lower so the sun shines over the top,  the rose would be darkened, wasting the sunlights effect.
  5. Light– in photography, no light no picture! Literally, light plays a HUGE role in taking pictures. The best source of light in general photgraphy is the sun! Though some camera’s have high-tech lighting, the sun is best! You can also have side lighting – used a lot in food photography, and forward lighting – used in modeling.

All these tips are guaranteed to make you a great photographer…..if you become a pro, you have me to thank!!

I think the workshop was great!! Here are some of the pictures we took with Sophie, I hope you like them!!

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